Alta Sierra Orchestra Donations

The Alta Sierra Intermediate Orchestra Program depends on the gracious donations of our supporters to fund the many amazing experiences provided for our students every year. Donations are optional and not required for participation in our program. We appreciate your contribution!

One-Time & Monthly Donations

Credit/Debit Card

Click the 'Donate' button below and select or enter your donation amount.

  • Please enter your student’s name in the area marked “Write a note (Optional)”.

  • Check the box next to ‘Make this a monthly donation’ to setup automatic monthly donations of the same amount.

  • You have the option to cover the fees so the full amount of your donation will support our program!


  1. Make checks made payable to: “Buchanan Foundation” - [Not Alta Sierra or CUSD!]

  2. Please include student’s name on memo line of the check (if applicable). Put the check into an envelope labeled with the student’s name and what the donation is for.

  3. Please hand the donation to your director or mail to: BEC Instrumental Music, 1560 N. Minnewawa Ave, Clovis, CA, 93619.

Amazon Wish List

Want to help the program? There are several items that we need for the program to continue to be successful that are on our Amazon Wish List. Please click on the link below. If you see an item that you would like to purchase for the program, please do! After the order is placed, it will be automatically shipped to Buchanan and will be put straight to good use improving the orchestra experience for our students!